How to resist hand crafted products - you can't :)

Buying a gift for others is often tricky. There are so many variables. And with online shopping at your fingertips turning a "I'll just have a quick look" into "oh my God, where did the last three hours go??", your recipient has probably already browsed and bought it themselves. But if you are the type that appreciates something a little out of the ordinary, a trip to the local Twilight Markets at this time of year is worth its weight in gold. The magic of picking up a hand crafted item in your hands, feeling its weight, running your hand over the textile and smelling the scent is really something extraordinary. And who can resist all the goodies on offer to be tasted? Whether it's artisan chocolate, homemade jams or the cheeses, you will try a few, and you may end up buying two – one as the gift, and one for yourself.
The beauty of local markets that offer handmade items is that you get to see the whole story behind the product, as opposed to an online item where the image has been replicated in seven different colours. Being there in person allows you to experience the ambiance of happy conversations, children playing and the musician performing original compositions. As you leisurely walk past each stall, eyeing the wonderful array of gourmet foods and hand crafted pieces, you slowly drink it all in as the smile on your face widens.

Suddenly you feel light. It's as though all the cares of the week have dissolved into the fresh air you are breathing. The bright colours all around you aid your mind, giving you a spring in your step, but at a comfortable pace. The land where time stands still. A place where you can talk with the Maker face to face, getting some background insight into the inspiration behind the product. Watch his or her eyes sparkle as they tell their story. Even if you don't buy, you've just made the hours of behind-the-scenes work seem worthwhile. You see, Makers rarely produce items for profit. They do it out of love and their desire to create perfection. Often they are compelled to. They can't help themselves. It's what being an artisan is all about. Michelangelo drove himself mad over his creations.
This Christmas, take a wander through the various local Twilight Markets in your area, some will be at the local school or church, others at the community centre or food co-ops. Treat yourself to quality products that have been created with so much love and commitment. Speaking from my point of view as a Maker of gourmet food items, they are the very antithesis of mass produced/rushed/fillers/artificial. Your loved ones will thank you, as they may not have come across such products before, and certainly not what you can get from the supermarket. The taste comparison is, well, there is no comparison.